Thursday, January 30, 2014


This painting came to me during those moments between almost asleep and waking, I got up and drew it out for the next day. I see many of these visions. I wish I could record them all.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

The College Years

College was so many years ago. One of my goals for this blog is for it to be a record of my art journey, so for the next few weeks I will be displaying created art from the past. Soon I hope to post what I'm working on now.

I created a quick gallery. I haven't figured out how to do a gallery through Blogger yet. I'm working on it. So here is my quick gallery.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014


When I painted this, I was going through a hard time. Basically,  I was working in a toxic situation and believed that God sees all, Hence all the eyes. One of my fellow teachers asked how I could be calm during all this angst and I replied because I had painted it out, so it was no longer an issue for me.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


This is a painting I did called Underneath. I started with a yellow under painting, It took me 2 years to complete because I didn't know where to go with it. Finally inspiration struck and it was finished.

Underneath is about the mystery work, that is done beneath the surface of the subconscious. No one ever sees that undertaking. Even so it is required work of all of us. It is the substance of dreams, thoughts, and mediatation.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Here I Am

Several years ago I started an art blog. Things were going well. I had a following,  I was selling my art on etsy, then wham I got sick  Everything stopped. Blogging, and art making, I even stopped teaching (I taught art for 3 years. second grade for 9.). So now I'm trying blogging again.

I find art so inspiring, so I really want this blog to be about art. My art and the art of other people.